The current date in serialized format.
Generates the current time.
The current time as a serialized string.
Converts a date string to a timestamp.
str: string = ...The date string to convert.
Parses a string representation of a date in "dd/mm/yyyy" format and returns a Date object. If the input is not in the correct format or is null, returns null.
Parses a string representation of time into a Time object.
Serialize a given date to a string representation in the format "dd/MM/yyyy".
The date to serialize.
The serialized date or null if the input is not a valid Date object.
Serializes the given time object into a string representation.
The time object to be serialized.
Converts a string representation of a time to a timestamp.
str: string = ...The time string to convert. Defaults to the current time.
Retrieves the current date.