Variable ListDefaultSlotsConst

ListDefaultSlots: {
    ActionAdd: ((props: IActionAddSlot<any, any>) => Element);
    ActionFab: ((options: IActionFabSlot<any, any>) => Element);
    ActionListSlot: (<FilterData>(props: IActionListSlot<FilterData>) => Element);
    ActionMenu: ((__namedParameters: IActionMenuSlot) => Element);
    BodyRow: (<RowData>(props: IBodyRowSlot<RowData>) => Element);
    CheckboxCell: (<RowData>(props: ICheckboxCellProps<RowData>) => Element);
    ChipListSlot: ((props: IChipListSlot<any>) => Element);
    CommonCell: (<RowData>(props: ICommonCellSlot<RowData>) => any);
    DesktopBodyRow: (<RowData>(props: IBodyRowSlot<RowData>) => Element);
    FilterListSlot: (<FilterData>(props: IFilterListSlot<FilterData>) => Element);
    HeadRow: ((props: IHeadRowSlot<any>) => Element);
    MobileBodyRow: (<RowData>(param: IBodyRowSlot<RowData>) => Element);
    OperationListSlot: ((props: IOperationListSlot) => Element);
    SearchSlot: ((props: ISearchSlot) => Element);
} = ...

Type declaration

  • ActionAdd: ((props: IActionAddSlot<any, any>) => Element)
      • (props): Element
      • Represents an action slot that adds an action.


        • props: IActionAddSlot<any, any>

          The properties used to configure the action slot.

        Returns Element

        • The rendered action slot component.
  • ActionFab: ((options: IActionFabSlot<any, any>) => Element)
      • (options): Element
      • Renders an action FAB (Floating Action Button) component


        • options: IActionFabSlot<any, any>

          The options for the action FAB

        Returns Element

        The rendered action FAB component

  • ActionListSlot: (<FilterData>(props: IActionListSlot<FilterData>) => Element)
      • <FilterData>(props): Element
      • Renders a list of actions with customizable filters.

        Type Parameters

        • FilterData extends {}

          The type of the filter data.


        • props: IActionListSlot<FilterData>

          The props object.

        Returns Element

        • The ActionListSlot component.
        • If the action type is unknown.
  • ActionMenu: ((__namedParameters: IActionMenuSlot) => Element)
      • (__namedParameters): Element
      • Represents an ActionMenu component.


        • __namedParameters: IActionMenuSlot

        Returns Element

        • The rendered ActionMenu component.
  • BodyRow: (<RowData>(props: IBodyRowSlot<RowData>) => Element)
      • <RowData>(props): Element
      • Represents a body row component for displaying data in a table.

        Type Parameters


        • props: IBodyRowSlot<RowData>

          The properties for the body row component.

        Returns Element

        The rendered body row component.

  • CheckboxCell: (<RowData>(props: ICheckboxCellProps<RowData>) => Element)
      • <RowData>(props): Element
      • CheckboxCell component for rendering checkboxes in a table cell.

        Type Parameters

        • RowData extends IRowData = any

          The type of the data for each row in the table


        • props: ICheckboxCellProps<RowData>

          The props for the CheckboxCell component

        Returns Element

        • The rendered CheckboxCell component
  • ChipListSlot: ((props: IChipListSlot<any>) => Element)
      • (props): Element
      • Renders a chip list slot component.


        • props: IChipListSlot<any>

        Returns Element

        • The chip list slot component.
  • CommonCell: (<RowData>(props: ICommonCellSlot<RowData>) => any)
      • <RowData>(props): any
      • Represents a common cell component that renders different types of columns in a table.

        Type Parameters

        • RowData extends IRowData = any

          The data type of the row.


        • props: ICommonCellSlot<RowData>

          The props for the CommonCell component.

        Returns any

  • DesktopBodyRow: (<RowData>(props: IBodyRowSlot<RowData>) => Element)
      • <RowData>(props): Element
      • Render a row in the desktop body of a table.

        Type Parameters

        • RowData extends IRowData = any

          The type of the row data in the table.


        • props: IBodyRowSlot<RowData>

          The properties for the row.

        Returns Element

        • The rendered row component.
  • FilterListSlot: (<FilterData>(props: IFilterListSlot<FilterData>) => Element)
      • <FilterData>(props): Element
      • Represents a classic filter list slot component.

        Type Parameters

        • FilterData extends {}

          The data type of the filter.


        • props: IFilterListSlot<FilterData>

          The props for the component.

        Returns Element

        The classic filter list slot component.

  • HeadRow: ((props: IHeadRowSlot<any>) => Element)
      • (props): Element
      • Function that renders the header row component based on the given props.


        • props: IHeadRowSlot<any>

          The props for the header row component.

        Returns Element

        • The rendered header row component.
  • MobileBodyRow: (<RowData>(param: IBodyRowSlot<RowData>) => Element)
      • <RowData>(param): Element
      • Renders a row in the desktop view of the table body.

        Type Parameters

        • RowData extends IRowData = any

          The type of data for each row.


        • param: IBodyRowSlot<RowData>

          The parameters for rendering the row.

        Returns Element

        • The rendered row component.
  • OperationListSlot: ((props: IOperationListSlot) => Element)
      • (props): Element
      • Renders a component that displays a list of operations.


        • props: IOperationListSlot

          The component props.

        Returns Element

        The rendered component.

  • SearchSlot: ((props: ISearchSlot) => Element)
      • (props): Element
      • Represents a search input component with label, loading state, and search functionality.


        • props: ISearchSlot

          The properties of the SearchSlot component.

        Returns Element

        • The rendered SearchSlot component.

Variable holding an array of default slot components.