Function useWizardModal

useWizardModal is a custom hook that provides a modal component for wizards. It accepts various parameters and returns an object with functions and properties related to the wizard modal.

  • Type Parameters

    • Data extends {} = Record<string, any>
    • Payload = any


    • params: IParams<Data, Payload>

      The parameters for the useWizardModal hook.

    Returns {
        close: (() => Promise<boolean>);
        open: ((url?: string | URL, target?: string, features?: string) => WindowProxy | null);
        pickData: (() => void);
        render: (() => Element);

    • An object with functions and properties related to the wizard modal.
    • Readonlyclose: (() => Promise<boolean>)
        • (): Promise<boolean>
        • Returns Promise<boolean>

    • open: ((url?: string | URL, target?: string, features?: string) => WindowProxy | null)
        • (url?, target?, features?): WindowProxy | null
        • Parameters

          • Optionalurl: string | URL
          • Optionaltarget: string
          • Optionalfeatures: string

          Returns WindowProxy | null

    • pickData: (() => void)
        • (): void
        • Returns void

    • render: (() => Element)
        • (): Element
        • Returns Element