Wraps a React component with lazy loading and suspense, displaying a loader while the component is being loaded.

  • Type Parameters

    • T extends ComponentType<P>

      The type of the wrapped React component.

    • P extends object = any

      The props type of the wrapped React component.


    • factory: (() => Promise<{
          default: T;

      A function that returns a promise that resolves to the component.

        • (): Promise<{
              default: T;
        • Returns Promise<{
              default: T;

    • Optionaloptions: Partial<IParams> = {}

      Optional parameters for customizing the loader.

    Returns ((props: P) => Element)

    A function that returns the wrapped component with suspense and loader.

      • (props): Element
      • Parameters

        • props: P

        Returns Element