Function KanbanView

Payload, ColumnType

  • KanbanViewInternal is a React component that renders a kanban board view. It displays items in columns and allows dragging and dropping of items between columns.

    Type Parameters

    • Data extends unknown = any

      The type of data associated with each item in the kanban board columns.

    • Payload extends unknown = any

      The type of payload to be passed to various event handlers.

    • ColumnType = any

      The type of column identifier.


    • props: IKanbanViewProps<Data, Payload, ColumnType>

      The props object.

    • ref: Ref<HTMLDivElement>

      A ref object to attach to the root element of the component.

    Returns Element

    • The rendered KanbanViewInternal component.


  • Parameters

    • ref: MutableRefObject<undefined | HTMLDivElement>
    • __namedParameters: {
          speed?: number;
          threshold?: number;
      } = {}
      • Optionalspeed?: number
      • Optionalthreshold?: number

    Returns (() => Function)

      • (): Function
      • Returns Function

    useEffect(KanbanViewInternal.enableScrollOnDrag(ref), [])